Our Surgery is Green…

Power Sources
Our patients may be interested to note that we are now powered by 100% renewable energy (wind and hydro power from Tasmania to be precise), making us a green dental clinic in the South Melbourne area.
Your treatments power usage is 100% carbon neutral. This is part of our move towards carbon neutral dentistry as we believe our dental industry could be performing a lot better in the area of reducing emissions and waste. We have invested in GreenPower to ensure that we are reducing the affects that coal mining and burning has on our planet.
Dentists for Clean Water
We have been certified as doing all we can to ensure that the water we use and drain back into the water system is filtered and any heavy chemicals removed, such as mercury after amalgam fillings have been removed. This is mainly achieved through the installation of equipment that carefully removes metals through a centrifugal technique. We have also installed permanent water filters to ensure the water we use in sterilisation and machine maintenance is 100% clear.

BioDegradable Products
We do need to maintain an extremely high level of hygiene, which does require a lot of single use materials. SustainabilityWhere possible we are using biodegradable products such as plastic bags, cling film wraps, hygiene covers, tool covers etc. to ensure that we are reducing the amount of waste produced by the
Mercury Removal and Filtering
In order to ensure that our treatments do not contaminate the environment, we have installed new mercury filters into our suction systems. This removes 99% of the the amalgam/mercury filling materials before other waste fluids exit into the drain system. Amalgam removal needs to be done carefully to minimise risk of patients swallowing the debris, and should be disposed of safely (it is toxic waste by law). Proper isolation and high power suction are critical. Rubber dam should be used to protect you while large fillings are being removed and to help improve the quality of the bond of the new filling material. We seriously care about the environment, so we’ve made sure our disposal methods are safe.